Always something getting in the way, right? Life continues to be busy as always. So busy, that I was away all day yesterday and couldn’t complete my weekly check-in! I’ve got to get WordPress set up on my phone again, so I can write posts when I’m away from home.
So last week, I made my last big push for Witch Gate and finished the first draft. It turned out much shorter than I’d originally planned (70K instead of 90K words), but length can change in revision, and I’m happy as it stands. It was so exciting to finish Rosa’s adventures and see the trilogy completed. Of course, that just means more work to come. I’ll let the draft rest a month or two before I jump into revision.
I made progress on my revision for book 2 (Witch Hunt), but still not quite there. I’ll push through this in the next few days and finally get it done. It’s not until I’m done with this that I start on Camp NaNo, so I’m already falling behind in my goal for April. Oh well. Progress happens at its own pace.
I did finish Wyld Magic in a Flash finally and published that last week. Look for the earlier post about the announcement. So cross that goal off of my list.
On another note, I love reviews of my stories. It’s so nice to get feedback and hear that you enjoy to read my writing, whether it’s reviews on websites like Amazon and Goodreads, comments on Wattpad, or personal notes from the contact form on this blog. But it’s even more incredible (and flattering!) when my work inspires someone else to create something new.
Chelsea, co-author of the delicious A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Cookbook, runs a blog (Food Through the Pages) dedicated to book-inspired food. Today she surprised me with a recipe from my novel A Flight of Marewings! Check out Spicy Lamb Wraps–they look amazing! As a huge fan of Chelsea’s recipes, and an author who steals from her research on medieval cooking to describe the food in my books, I was so excited to hear that she loved the book enough to cook from it. I may or may not be having a screaming fangirl moment right now.
In the meantime, I’m plugging away when I can on my writing, and I hope the rest of Team Denali is making progress too!