Today is the last day to download Small Town Witch for free on Amazon! I have two more free Kindle Select days left, but it will be at least a month before this promotion happens again, so don’t miss out!

Happy Memorial Day, everyone! First of all, let me just say thank you to everyone who serves or has served in our military. I don’t want to make light of an important holiday in the US.
But today I want to talk about my writing fuel of choice: iced chai. It’s cold and refreshing. It has a nice blend of spicy and sweet. The tea gives a small boost of caffeine for energy, but not enough to make me wired like coffee. And with the warm holiday weekend to kick off summer, this was the perfect thing to drink while running around Fanime over the past few days.
It’s no surprise that it’s the beverage of choice for Rosa, either. I had to teach Scrivener the spelling of “chai” (not in the dictionary, surprisingly!) just like I’ve taught the auto-correct on my phone, and probably a few other programs as well. I haven’t counted how many times Rosa drinks one in the story, but I can think of three major scenes which include this drink.
This concludes my random post for the day. Enjoy your holiday, everyone!