Excerpt: Amena’s Rise to Stardom
I'm getting very close to finishing and publishing "Amena's Rise to Stardom!", which is the prequel to the Divine Warriors series. Of course, book #2 will be right behind it.…
I'm getting very close to finishing and publishing "Amena's Rise to Stardom!", which is the prequel to the Divine Warriors series. Of course, book #2 will be right behind it.…
I'm so happy to announce that I've finished the first draft of Riwenne 2! This has been more than a year in the works, which has been difficult because of…
Like many writers and other professionals who use computers, I've found myself experiencing a great deal of pain in my wrist. I finally managed to see a doctor and a…
I've got a short story coming out next month! I was accepted into a fairy tale anthology with other indie authors. Tales of Ever After will be available on August 3.…
Since 1997, I've been writing and talking about this book. And today, it's officially published. (In ebook. The paperback has hit a roadbump but I'll try to get it out soon.)…
I'm happy to announce that I've finished NaNoWriMo and my novel! The above image shows the final sentence of Riwenne & the Mechanical Beasts. This was my eleventh time participating in…
Guess what, everyone! I have some incredible news. The Mighty Pens team has already reached our goal of raising $10,000 for the Malala Fund. This is amazing! Thank you so…
I'm writing up a storm right now for NaNoWriMo! I've been sharing snippets on social media as I go, but I thought you might like a bigger excerpt today for…
It's that time of year where National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is about to start. This will be my eleventh time to join, but it's going to be a…
Hello, everyone! I know that I've been a little scarce recently. I'd like to explain a little about what's been going on. So, last year, I finally published the second…