Happy May Day!
Happy May Day, everyone! I am sure you are all eagerly awaiting the release of Small Town Witch. Well, it is on its way still. There ended up being some…
Happy May Day, everyone! I am sure you are all eagerly awaiting the release of Small Town Witch. Well, it is on its way still. There ended up being some…
In all the excitement for Small Town Witch tomorrow, I haven't stopped work on my current work in progress. In fact, this month, I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo with their new flexible…
Today, I’ve posted a deleted scene from the book on SmallTownWitch.com. You can read “Poetry Slam” to see one of the scenes that didn’t make it into the novel. It takes place sometime after Rosa’s full moon flight but before the kiss. There’s more context before the scene on the other site.
There were a number of scenes that got cut for various reasons. Sometimes, I have to cut scenes because they no longer work as the plot changes, or because they slow things down too much, or they’re mostly just filler. For the nearly 86,000 words in Small Town Witch, I have a folder of over 20K words from “deleted scenes”, and I am sure there were plenty of little snippets that I failed to save at all. So a lot got the axe in the editing process. (more…)
From my upcoming novel, Small Town Witch, Chapter 5, "The Faeriekin Party": I pointed to a pond filled with water lilies and floating candles. “That’s the dance floor.” Heather stared in…
The following are pictures that I took on a camping trip to Big Trees of Calaveras County Park in August 2011. This trip was a large part of my inspiration…
If you have looked at my new website for Small Town Witch, you may have already read the character sheets I posted about the main characters. These include a lot of interesting facts about the characters to help you familiarize yourself with them. Reading them is not necessary for understanding the story, but they may add to the experience.They contain some of the information that I keep for myself to remind me about the characters.
Well, the things that I included on the website were deliberate–and so were the things that I left off. For example, you may notice that I included a “race” designation for all of the characters (referring to which type of magikin they are) but no “ethnic” details. This was left off because it’s not important to the characters or the story, for the most part. The story is not about ethnic tensions or racism in the sense that humans are judged for their skin color. (There is tension between humans and magikin, so those details are explicit.) From the names of many characters, ethnic diversity even in the small rural town can be implied. As far as I am concerned, they’re Californian.
In the same vein, I have not noted any characters’ sexual orientation. This is a little more relevant to the story because sexual orientation is discussed a little bit. But I absolutely did not want to make this an important point in my characters. I want to have diversity in my stories, because there is diversity in the people that I know, but I do not want them to be defined by their sexuality. This is not a LGBTQ story or a time to preach about LGBTQ issues. This is a story that happens to have some non-straight characters. (more…)
This week I am taking a break from the regularly scheduled blog content to reveal a major project: Small Town Witch.com! This is a website to showcase my upcoming first…
Korinna was overwhelmed by the number of fields in the surrounding area, full of drilling soldiers and grazing marewings. After wandering around on her own and fearing that she would…
I am pleased to finally show everyone the new cover for my upcoming novel, Small Town Witch. I had a lot of help with this. The illustration is mine, and…
This week, one thing that I researched was the Venus flytrap, one of the more popular types of carnivorous plants. What is so fascinating about them? Well, for me, it's how unique…